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If there are enough of these elements, along with 30 m a g n e s i u m m a g n e s i u m 31 water, it wouldn’t matter how hot it was—the cells would never overheat and people would never get heat stroke because the minerals would transfer the heat out of the cells.” How Much and When When it comes to magnesium, there isn’t a specific dose for a given health condition. How much magnesium to take has to be determined by your symptoms and your reaction to magnesium. The RDA for magnesium is about 400 mg of elemental magnesium. However, many people need much more than that. I’m one of them. If I don’t take enough magnesium, I get heart palpitations, leg cramps, and twitchy muscles. However, if I take my daily dose all at one time in pill form, the magnesium can overwhelm my intestines and cause a laxative effect. One of the best ways to take magnesium is in powder form. Magnesium citrate powder dissolves immediately in water, so you know your body doesn’t have to wait for a capsule or tablet to break down. You can also put 400 mg of magnesium citrate powder in a glass of water or right into your water bottle and sip over several hours. That way the magnesium is absorbed slowly and effectively into your body instead of running through your intestines. I find that some people get so excited about taking magnesium that they forget to slowly build up their dose. And we all think that “more is better.” Taking too much magnesium initially might create a laxative effect you weren’t expecting, giving you the mistaken impression that you are having a bad reaction to magnesium. To prevent this, I think it’s important to start with a lower dose of 150 to 200 mg and build up to 400 mg once or twice a day until your bowel movements are comfortably loose. The need for magnesium will vary from person to person. Don’t be surprised if you need a certain amount of the mineral while your partner needs twice as

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Se houver um número suficiente destes elementos, juntamente com30 m a g e n s eu u m m a g e n s eu u m 31água, não importa quão gostosa era — as células nunca superaqueceriae as pessoas nunca conseguiria insolação porque iria transferir os mineraiso calor fora das células.

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