n an interview with Amyr Klink, after the Brazilian navigator had arrived from one of his solitary sea adventures, a reporter asked him if loneliness had been his biggest obstacle. Amyr answered that although he had spent one hundred days alone, he had never actually felt lonely, as he knew that so many of his friends were thinking about him and wishing him success. And he added, “The sea is not an obstacle.” “After two months of adventures had gone by, I started thinking about the meaning of l
Em entrevista a Amyr Klink, após o navegador brasileiro ter chegado de uma de suas aventuras marítimas solitárias, um repórter perguntou-lhe se a solidão havia sido seu maior obstáculo. Amyr respondeu que, apesar de ter passado cem dias sozinho, nunca se sentira solitário, pois sabia que muitos de seus amigos estavam pensando nele e desejando-lhe sucesso. E acrescentou: