Meg worked hard last year. When the year was ending she planned her vacation: she would go to a wonderful beach near her brother's house in a little town. Her brother was waiting for her when she arrived at the station. While her brother was driving, Meg was admiring the landscape and asking him questions. When she arrived at the beach she met some friends. While she was talking with them a boy came and invited Meg to sail with him.
Meg trabalhou duro no ano passado. Quando o ano estava acabando, ela planejava suas férias: iria para uma praia maravilhosa perto da casa de seu irmão em uma cidadezinha. Seu irmão a esperava quando ela chegou à estação. Enquanto seu irmão dirigia, Meg admirava a paisagem e lhe fazia perguntas. Quando chegou à praia encontrou alguns amigos. Enquanto ela conversava com eles, um rapaz veio e convidou Meg para velejar com ele.