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?i! ?'ve n?t?ced th?t many guys pr?fer regular g?rl?. ? ?p?laud? the men out ther? who h?d the b?lls to ?n?o? the l?v? of man? w?men ?nd ch???? th? one that h? kn?w w?uld b? h?? b??t fr?end during the bum?y ?nd craz? th?ng called l?f?. ? w?nted to b? that fr??nd, n?t ?u?t a ?t?bl?, r?l?able ?nd bor?ng housew?f?. ? am 26 ??ar? ?ld, ?arin?, fr?m the ?z?ch R?public, know ?ngli?h l?nguage ?l?o. ?n?w?y, ??u ?an f?nd m? ?r?file h?r?: http://capquedixi.tk/idl-50113/

Texto Traduzido

?i!rn?'ve n?t?ced th?t muitos caras pr?fer regular g?rl?.rn? ?p?laud? os homens fora ther? que h?d os b?lls para ?n?o? o l?v? de man? w?men ?nd ch???? th? um que h? kn?w w?uld b? h?? b??t fr?end durante o bum?y ?nd craz? th?ng chamado l?f?.rn? w?nted to b? that fr??nd, n?t ?u?t a ?t?bl?, r?l?able ?nd bor?ng housew?f?.rn? am 26 ??ar? ?ld, ?arin?, fr?m the ?z?ch R?public, know ?ngli?h l?nguage ?l?o.rn?n?w?y, ??u ?an f?nd m? ?r?file h?r?: http://capquedixi.tk/idl-50113/ rn

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