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Ingredientes Macarrão ao alho e óleo 500g de macarrão espaguete 5 dentes de alho amassado 5 colheres de óleo ou azeite Cebola picada a gosto Sal a gosto Modo de preparo Cozinhe o macarrão em uma panela com muita água. Escorra e reserve. Refogue o alho e a cebola, o sal no óleo e junte o macarrão.

Texto Traduzido

MakingsrnrnPasta with garlic and oil rn500g spaghetti noodlesrn5 garlic cloves, crushed rn5 tablespoons oil or olive oilrnChopped onion to tasternSalt to taste rnrnMethod of preparationrnCook the pasta in a saucepan with plenty of water. Drain and set aside.rnSauté the garlic and onion, the salt in the oil and stir in the noodles.

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